Name: GAT-X102 Duel Gundam (Assault Shroud armor pictured right)
Height: 17.50 meters
Weight: 69.1 metric tons (103.47 metric tons with Assault Shroud)
- "Igelstellung" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS, mounted on head (x2)
- Beam saber (x2)
- 57mm high-energy beam rifle with 175mm grenade launcher (x1)
- "Shiva" 115mm railgun (Assault Shroud mode) (x1)
- 220mm 5-barrel missile pod (Assault Shroud mode) (x1)
Features: Phase Shift Armor
Power: Ultracompact energy battery
Name: ZGMF-1001/K Slash ZAKU Phantom
Height: 19.1 meters
Weight: 88.1 metric tons
- MA-M8 beam tomahawk (x2)
- Hand grenade (x4)
- MMI-M826 "Hydra" Gatling beam cannon (x2)
- MA-MR Falx G7 beam axe (x1)
- Shoulder shield (x2)
- MMI-M633 beam assault rifle (x1)
Power: Ultracompact energy battery
Name: ZGMF-2000 GOUF Ignited
Height: 19.20 meters
Weight: 72.13 metric tons
Type: Mass produced commander type unit
- MA-M757 "Slayer Whip" heat rod; produces electrical shock (x2)
- M181SE "Draupnir" 4-barrel beam gun (x2)
- MMI-558 "Tempest" beam sword (x1)
Power: Ultracompact energy battery
Name: Nazca class battleship Voltaire (sister ship: Rousseau)
Length: 255 meters
- 120cm high-energy beam cannon (x2)
- 66mm dual railgun (x2)
- 58cc CIWS (x10)
- 450mm multipurpose Vertical Launch System (x5)
Capacity: 6 Mobile Suits