A fanlisting is more or less what it sounds like. It's a listing of fans all around the world pertaining to one particular subject. While fanlistings are by no means "owned" by a single person, the point of TFL is to work as a sort of giant hub that features all categories.

Jr. is my favorite character in the Xenosaga series. Which in itself is one of my favorite game franchises, so that puts a character like him up there in terms of overall favorite characters! Since he was first introduced in the game, I was instantly interested him and he certainly didn't fail to lose that interest! He is one of the main characters and very important to the overall storyline of the series. His character is also very thorough and deep, and his entire storyline is amazing. I'm sure most visitors here know all about this, but on the off-chance a curious wanderer comes by, I don't want to post any spoilers, but rather urge anybody who hasn't to play the Xenosaga series. It's such a great series of games.

The layout features his render from Episode III, which is my favorite design for him, as well as a few random screencaps from the game. Since so much of Jr.'s character is likened to the color red, I decided to go that route for the coloring. I chose the name "Variant" because it is a tie in to what Jr. is - a URTV variant. However, the definition of variant is "varying from the standard form, manifesting variety, deviation or disagreement," and he really is a variant from what his father expected him to be.
